Event rules, regulations and advice.
For reasons of fairness, safety and responsibility the Participant is expected to abide by the following rules and regulations as laid out by the Organisers. Ignorance of these rules and regulations shall be regarded as no excuse and failure to comply with these rules and regulations may lead to penalties or disqualification from the Event.
- Always follow and adhere to the Highway Code and local byelaws.
- The participant should at all times show respect for the environment, landowners, local communities and other recreational users.
- No outside assistance and no uplifting is allowed during the event or practice.
- Transport in vehicles is not permitted at any time during the event.
- Stop and assist any competitors in need of medical attention and alert a race safety steward ASAP.
- Ensure any injured competitor in proximity to you is adequately provided for, before continuing.
- Cooperate with Event Officials at all times.
- The Event Directors decision is final.
- Do not deviate from the official route or practice route. The route will be indicated by map and signage/tape on route. It is the rider’s responsibility to follow the correct route.
- It is mandatory that all riders wear a safety-approved cycling helmet under three years of age that complies with the latest standards. Any rider not wearing a helmet will be disqualified from the event and could be liable for damages if involved in an accident on that basis.
- Individual support cars are strictly forbidden; any participants seen to use one will be disqualified and not covered by third party insurance.
- All riders carry a form of identification showing their name, medical details, address and/or contact details of a person to be advised in the eventuality of an accident.
- All participants should carry enough water and food to last the duration of the ride, energy bars, tools, suitable wet weather gear, money, mobile phone, spare inner tubes and a working pump, as well as extra clothing to complete the ride being undertaken, taking into account the route and possible adverse weather conditions.
- Riders must have their number board attached to their handlebars at all times when on course.
- On course you’ll cross open countryside and approach numerous closed gates (not on timed stages), it’s vitally important that you close these behind you.
- Overtaking – Please do not endanger any other riders you are over taking by being reckless.
- All competitors are responsible for wearing their timing chip in the correct manner.
- Additional rules may be added in the race briefing which all riders must follow.
- All riders must show valid ID at registration.
- The entire course must be completed on the same bike.
- You must ride between the tape and arrows as instructed in the event information.
- Riders must not enter the course without registering.
- Riders must follow the instructions/specific rules set out in the race information for their event.
- Do not cut or fold number boards.
- All riders must attend the event briefing which may contain additional rules.
- Action cameras must be mounted to bikes and not your helmet or body.
- We strongly advise that you wear a full-face helmet, knee, back and elbow protection.
- You must check your bike before riding the event to ensure that it is mechanically sound and suitable for the course.
- You can ride a pedal-assist bike, but it must be fully legal and comply with UK law.
- Riders must not enter the course without registering.
- Riders must follow the instructions/specific rules set out in the race information for their event.
- Do not cut or fold number boards.
- All riders must read or listen to the event briefing, which may contain additional rules.